CATEGORY: Socio-Educational and Health
PRESENTATION PLANNED COURSE: October 20th 2019, at 6 pm
COURSE VENUE: Via Righi n ° 20 Zona Ospedaletto Pisa
DURATION: 700 Hours
FREQUENCY: 2 or 3 lessons per week
MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: 15 (per single course);
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: When the maximum number of participants is reached
INSTALLATION: All CSF courses can be paid in installments, free of interest, for the duration of the course
TITLE: Recognized professional qualification at national and European level
PRICE: €1,900.00 (in 9 monthly installments);
If you sign up by October 2019 the price is €1,490.00 payable 149 € per month

The A.S.O. operates within medical-dental and public structures. It is a person with tasks related to the welcome, in the context of the preparation of the work in the dental-office

It handles the appointments, the disinfection and sterilization of the environment and of the working tools, using the devices and equipment necessary for such purpose. It is responsible for treating the special waste and the substances of daily practice correctly, and for assisting the dentist adequately in the preparation of tools, in the passage of instruments, composites and other adhesive systems. The assistant to the chair carries out its activity in dental offices, under employee mode. It possesses basic skills, both technical and cross-cutting, acquired through a training course of a total of 700 hours.


The professional figure of Assistant to the dental office chair requires specific skills to be developed and exercised in the formative phase. Over the years this figure has been enriched, expanding its tasks in support of the work of the physician.

For this type of job it is needed a well formed, complete figure, who knows how to handle his role with safety and professional autonomy.

· Anatomy and physiology of tooth and oral cord,
· Special pharmacology, Microbiology, and Infectious Diseases
· Allergies and hypersensitivity to drugs
· Paradontology, Pedodontics, Orthodontics
· Anesthesiology
· Dental Care 1
· Dental Care 2
· Oral hygiene
· Management of the operating area,
· BLS elements
· Elements of administrative management and corporate organization
· Hygiene and safety in the workplace
· Legal relations of the profession, health legislation and workplace privacy
· Professional ethics elements
· Quality of service to the patient
· Communication and human relationship techniques
· Elements Dental Patient psychology
· Elements of life span psychology

Diploma of high School, or alternatively, O.S.A qualification. O.S.S. qualification, or Administrative Assistant of dental office.

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    Il/La sottoscritto/a chiede di essere ammesso quale socio a DENTISTI SENZA FRONTIERE ONLUS, per lo svolgimento e il raggiungimento degli scopi primari della stessa, attenendosi allo statuto sociale ed alle deliberazioni degli organi sociali, nonché a pagare obbligatoriamente le quote sociali qualora previste.Dichiara di aver preso nota dello Statuto e dell’eventuale Regolamento e di accettarli integralmente e condivide le finalità istituzionali ed accettare lo scopo senza fine di lucro dell’associazione.Dichiara di aver ricevuto l’informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi dell’art. 13 del DLGSn.196/2003 così come modificato dal GDPR, dandone consenso per il perseguimento degli scopi statutari.