The Constitution of this organ within the association aims to contribute to the progress of the medical and dental sciences, and of the economic and legal ones in their application to medicine, dentistry, dental technology and dental profession. As factors of cultural, professional and socio-sanitary progress, it proposes socio-professional exchanges, on the national and international territory, in order to improve the relation health quality to costs/benefits, principally for the benefit of the patients requiring cures and for all operators in the industry.

The Association is regulated, in addition to the provisions of the civic and deontological code, by the statute which is linked to the constitutive act and its future regulations. The Association is governed by a President and an Academic Council composed by the founding members and the originators, as well as the aforementioned Scientific-Ethics Committee.

Geom. Angelo Russo

Chairman of the Committee

Avv. Sabrina Luperini

Coordinatrice componenti comitato etico scientifico

Prof. Dr. Nicola Russo

President of the Scientific Committee

Cav. Prof. Dr. Christos Papavassiliou

Coordinator of Dental Hygiene Department

Dr. Carmine Del Re

National Areas Coordinator

Dr. Antonio Fernando Dell'Aglio

International Areas Coordinator

Ing. Simone Stumpo

Director of Strategic Marketing

Ignatios Stravropoulos

Coordinator of Middle and Far East Relations

Prof. Dr. Nicola Russo

Coordinator of Dentistry Department

Dr. Giovanni Scelzi

Dental Office Management Marketing Coordinator

Geom. Vincenzo Iavarone

Coordinator of Dental Assistants Department

Dr. Donato Marangi

Coordinator and Head of Service Quality

Dr. Claudio Busti

Coordinator and Rapporteur of High and Latest Dental Technologies

Umberto Saragoni

Coordinator and Interpreter, Relations with Romania

Horatiu Covaci

Coordinator and Head of Dental Components

Dr. Beata Pabian

Coordinator and Responsible for Poland

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    Il/La sottoscritto/a chiede di essere ammesso quale socio a DENTISTI SENZA FRONTIERE ONLUS, per lo svolgimento e il raggiungimento degli scopi primari della stessa, attenendosi allo statuto sociale ed alle deliberazioni degli organi sociali, nonché a pagare obbligatoriamente le quote sociali qualora previste.Dichiara di aver preso nota dello Statuto e dell’eventuale Regolamento e di accettarli integralmente e condivide le finalità istituzionali ed accettare lo scopo senza fine di lucro dell’associazione.Dichiara di aver ricevuto l’informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi dell’art. 13 del DLGSn.196/2003 così come modificato dal GDPR, dandone consenso per il perseguimento degli scopi statutari.